Full-service customized wide range of collection service offerings with confidence and trust
Bad Debt
ARC offers primary and secondary third-party collection agency programs. Our experience has taught us that by combining a “friends and family” approach to collections with diligent, methodical follow-up; we have been able to consistently achieve recovery rates that result in long-term client retention, in a virtually complaint free environment.

First and third party specialized outsource/early out programs and other EBO functions designed to meet specific needs. Diverse and comprehensive programs offer diplomatic, simple, inexpensive and highly effective methods to substantially reduce your accounts receivable expenses, and increase cash flow. These programs were developed to assist our clients in making their in-house efforts less expensive, less time-consuming, and more effective.
Insurance Follow-up
Insurance follow up projects are related to accounts that have been billed to insurance and are still outstanding with no payment. We handle billing follow-up for all forms of insurance. These programs are also effective when a provider converts to a new system. A backlog of insurance accounts can result from system conversion, staffing shortages, billing backlogs, spikes in accounts over 120 days past due, to name a few. Our projects address all of the open accounts on converted systems.

Employment Skiptracing
As a collection focused organization, you know that a critical component of judgment collection is having a constant flow of verified employment information on the customers you are seeking collections. Employment Skiptracing eliminates all the unproductive costs and hassle. We make skip tracing for places of employment profitable for you. Names are batch processed through a sequence of databases that provide debtor employment information. These generate leads, which we carefully verify with employers’ human resources departments. We only report to you verified places of employment that you can successfully use in your judgment collections..
Bank Skiptracing
Verified Bank Account Information can be a powerful tool in judgment collection. provides verified bank account information. We batch process your file of debtors through databases, generating leads. We then carefully verify that a transaction of $400 will clear the account. You only pay for information that you can use in your collection process.